List of publications
In this list we have collected scientific papers made with Pyrola pyrolyzers by different authors. Browse the articles or use search above to find papers you are interested in, by keyword, author or word in the title. Follow the URL to the published papers.
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URL: Bertaud, Frederique, et al. "Development of green adhesives for fibreboard manufacturing, using tannins and lignin from pulp mill residues." Cellulose Chem. Technol 46.7-8 (2012): 449-455.
Frederique Bertaud, Sandra Tapin-Lingua, Antonio Pizzi, Paola Navarrete, Michel Petit-Conil
lignin, tannin, pulping liquor, bark, adhesives, phenol, particleboard, panel, green chemical, wood, residues, sustainability, formaldehyde